Infrastructure - Poultry Farm
ISO 22000 certified Poultry Farm of SKM Produces clear, residue free eggs. Bio-Security measures ensures disease prevention
- To ensure the safety and quality of Raw Material, a backward integration of setting up our own poultry farm of 0.6 million layers are housed in 12 sheds of each 50,000 capacity. The annual production capacity is around 164 million eggs.
- The chick and grower sheds with capacity to hold 100 thousand birds each is located in a different location.
- Strict adherence to structural and operational biosecurity measures ensures disease prevention.
- Laboratory attached to farm routinely analyze water, tissues, shell egg samples to ensure the health of the birds and the quality of eggs.
- Day to day sanitation, proper disinfection and potable water helps to maintain birds in good health.
- The birds are fed a highly nutritious, balanced diet composed primarily of maize, grains with vitamins and minerals added.
- Compliance to food safety is ensured with the certification of ISO 22000.
- Incinerator facility helps to safe dispose off the dead birds.